Friday, February 3, 2012

Tonight's Imbolc dinner!

I had potato soup in a bread bowl last night with friends to celebrate Imbolc, but wasn't sure what to do tonight for just me and Sprout.  I found some sprouts in the back of the fridge that needed to get eaten, and while I was searching for a good salad dressing to use with them, I found this site:
On that site, I found a recipe for a sprout snack that includes throwing some herbs and salt and pepper with a little olive oil into a mix of sprouts.  You can see it here. I only had clover sprouts, but they're surprisingly nutritious and packed with protein! So I mixed them up with a chopped up tomato and the herb blend and it's sooo yummy!

For the 'main' dish, we'll be having roasted potatoes and yams flavored with some salt and pepper, butter, rosemary, and thyme.  It smells SO good in here.
For dessert, we'll be having some honeyed milk that I'll make with the raw milk I got today from a local dairy.  The cows looked so happy (well, as happy as cows can look) munching on their green hay and wandering around their big dirt field.  I saw a calf with his mamma, and Sprout excitedly said hi to them all.  It didn't smell like sewage, like the crowded grain-fed farms smell.  It smelled like happy cows, green food, and sunshine. :)

Tonight I will be trying a new way of eating: mindfully.  I have been reading The Way of the Hedge Witch, and it has a lovely section on how to bring magic into your everyday cooking and cleaning. I've come across this philosophy before, but magic is really my preferred language at the moment, so it really sunk in this time.  Eating mindfully basically consists of focusing on your food while you eat--don't rush through it, or think about everything else, or eat without even looking at it while you watch TV or surf the internet. Take the time to actually feel the gratitude you have for the good food in front of you. Inhale the aromas and let your imagination go to the root origins of your meal, or whatever makes you fully appreciate what you're eating. Tonight my mind will take me to walk in sun-warmed potato fields (barefoot, of course!), following the living sprout nutrition into my veins, and back to the lovely farm where I bought fresh, raw milk this morning. Enjoy your food tonight!